Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Introduction to lithography!

This week we were introducted to the process involved in lithography! Monday began with showing us how to grind down our stones - very theraputic :) I was meant to grind my stone down to be ready to start on my image tuesday morning but the queue was very long so I didnt get that done until yesterday after break! So i am kind of behind..but I talked to des yesterday evening so i know what image im starting on first thing in the morning! Im still sticking to my idea of the burqa but im going to combine it with the idea of missing person on a milk carton! It needs more development at the moment though..i need to draw out my idea! Lithography takes a lot longer than any of the print processes i have done before. Drypoint,mono and woodblocks are a lot quicker. Litho has a lot of steps to it which will make is it hard to get used to but the faster I get started now the better! Ilike how lithography turns out..its very soft and looks slightly like watercolour which suits my sketches. Im looking forward to getting started on it. :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I just realised that I missed a talk this morning on the techniques we will be doing next week because I was at my tutorial...Hopefully I didnt miss too much because the workshops are starting next monday.

Shirin Neshat!!

 'women of allah' - Shirin Neshat.

There is a palpable energy in Shirin Neshat's photographs, an almost tangible seduction obviating the violence it borders, deeply rooted in the historical culture she would ultimately have to call "home."
As an artist living in New York and form there addressing a global audience, Shirin Neshat quietly corrodes the most violent metaphysical imperative assumptions about the nature and function of an "Islamic" femininity.
Enduring assumptions of what constitutes an "Islamic woman" are at once domestic to that culture and colonially crafted on it. With a singular strike of creative genius, Shirin Neshat manages to target both of these divergent yet colliding agents.
The history of Shirin Neshat's bodily portrayals of this "Islamic woman" is the unwritten chronicle of a mute and concealed femininity. Her photographs show and tell what has been forbidden to show and tell.
That she manages to do this without violating the bodily codes of an "Islamic woman" marks the site of her creative imagination.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Some images which I am using!!


Caged in and her identity stolen!

The contrast between the Burqa and everyday life!

These women march through the streets..none of tem stand out. They all look the same..their identities have been hidden and lost by the society which they live in. Being able to wear what you want seems like a small thing to us everyday..but what if that was taken from you! Clothes and fashion are a means of expressing makes up part of who we are...and forms our identity!

Hidden Identities!

The idea which I decided on was the hidden identities of someones identity can be disguised or altered. I like how this idea shows that no matter what way someone is percieved..nobody can ever take away someones identity! I am also toying with the idea of lost missing people throughout the world!  My aim for this project is to challenge myself not only through the new techniques which I will be using but also trying to incorporate a more abstract feel to my work rather than sticking with the same style! I know that layout is a huge part of this project so I am going to have to carefully decide how I am going to display my prints and what size scale I will be using for monday! I have started off with a few basic sketches and images of islamic women. I have also looked at the idea of missing children on milk cartons (lost identities). I still have plenty of researching to do but I have chosen a topic so hopefully I can move on and develop this idea!

Print..Chosen elective!!

So I decided to go with print for the big RANKING project. On Friday we were given the project brief for the next 4 weeks! The theme is Identity! At first I didnt know what I was going to do..nothing was really jumping out at me! But today I finally got to grips with the whole concept and ive decidied to base my project around 'hidden identities'. Im going to look at people whose identities have been taken away from women (Burqa).

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mini Print Project!!

On tuesday we were given a mini print project. We had to go to St.Josephs Street down at the cresent. When I got there the first thing which caught my eye was the run down shop about halfway down the street. This is where I decided to take my photo. With a little help from my room mates I took a photo of them in the same posiion as my first the converse advertisement! The acetate which we were given was small so I decided to etch out the image again and use drypoint to print my image! At first the ink was faded because I had etched deep into the acetate..but after the second or third print..the image was clear and visible! 

Last Day of print!

Today is thursday and my last chance to get some prints done! The workshop has been crowded all morning but i managed to get four prints done which I am happy to present tomorrow! Yeaterday after visiting josefs street I began a second etching of a longer wall with people sitting on it. This morning I printed it out in black and white twice so it looks longer. I was happy with how it turned out. I also printed my original etching again placing a monoprint in the background first and placing the etching over it! :) 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Print..week two!

Its monday morning of print and I have great plans for the just hoping I stick to them! So far this morning I have enlarged my sketches sos that they fit on the acetate better! My plan for the day is to trace them out on tracing paper and then head down to the workshop! Im going to try printing onto wallpaper to see hoe my image looks with a pattern background!  I also need to start working on my drypoint print...I have an image selected I just need to start etching! So far im enjoying print and the direction which my project has taken!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Print day 3..

Today was a relaxed day. We were unable to use the workshop today so instead I decided to head into town to get some wallpaper which I am thinking of printing onto and also took a few photos. Im going to try and have my images ready to go for the morning so I can get stuck into printing as soon as I get into the workshop tomorrow morning! Im still sticking to the idea of movement and so far it had been working good. I will have to see how my monoprints go tomorrow before I decide fully to stick with the same images for drypoint...because the assetate sheets are in short supply! I will work on my drypopint print over the weekend and spend next week focusing on that! So it looks like its going to be monoprint for the rest of the week for me!!!:)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Printmaker research started..

When in painting in my second module I looked at the work of Amy sillman and was facinated with her use of bold colour and the striking shapes which she is able to create through a series of lines and blocks of colour.

Tony O Malley
Check out this article! :)


Jean-Michel Basquiat (December 22, 1960 – August 12, 1988) was an American artist. He gained popularity first as a graffiti artist in New York City, and then as a successful 1980s-era Neo-expressionist artist. Basquiat's paintings continue to influence modern-day artists and command high prices.


Yesterday was the first day of the print module. We are doing monoprint and drypoint in the two weeks and im looking forward to trying both out. In semester one I experimented with print doind a woodcut and a couple of monoprints. So today it wasnt all new to me down in the workshop. Ive decided to stick to my old theme of 'movement' within the urban enviornment but im going to expand it further by incorporating more elements of the movement of feet within the space around me. Today I started with monoprint..because I had some idea what I was doing and I was happy with one of them. It was suggested that I print onto thats what I will be doing thursday morning hopefully :) Ive started my contextual research today which has helped me decide on imagery.

Converse sketch which gave me the idea to draw my own converse for my journal.

Converse advertisement which I sparked the idea to expand on my previous idea of movement of the feet in semester one and use the movement of feet in different settings within a space. I also like the composition of this piece,id like to use this image as a sarting point and change it to make it my own. I tested this image out roughly in a monoprint today in the print stdio and I was happy with the result,althuogh it still needs work.


In semester one I mainly focused on the movement of people on the streets of Limerick city. While I want to continue with the movement of people I want to incorporate different elements of movement..including street dance. I like how the body makes a definate shape and a clear line which I think would work well in my prints.