Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fourth Year - Progress Review - October 2013
This year I have been focusing on the body – in particular the female body and the portrayal of women in the media. I have been focusing on the idea of objectification of women within advertisements and magazines. My images combine both the idea of hiding and revealing.

 My main focus has been on provocative poses within female adverts and fashion photography.  I have been looking at how women are objectified and sexualised within advertisements – especially within fashion photography.

Through the use of found imagery, I have manipulated these images through Photoshop and in my sketchbook to form new compositions – zoning in on particular body parts with provoke a male audience.

Cotton Fabric used within my sketchbook. These collages are sew into using embroidery thread. These sketchbook images act as a starting point for compositions and ideas.

These small scale images are then scanned into photoshop and act as a base for my large scale pieces.

All the imagery used are taken directly from found imagery - ad campaigns in magazines and online. The main source for these provocative poses have been from American fashion label American Apparel. This fashion label is under constant scrutiny from the public because of their sexualised advertisements. The poses seen in many of their advertisements are manipulated in my sketchboko and through photoshop.

Possibility of introducing text
I am considering introducing text into my work e.g PURE, PROVOKE
This is something I wish to further explore in my sketchbook to see if it works before I incorporate it into my larger work.

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