Thursday, December 15, 2011

Princess Hijab....guerilla artist!

Screen print :)

For screen print I decided to use a photo of myself which I took during photography class dressed up in a Burqa. The screen print used only black ink. I wiould have liked to have added colour in text but the time we had for screen printing was very short and I didnt have enough time. It might be something I could look at doing again after Christmas.
Screen prints finished pieces :

Samples of photos taken for research and development :

woodcut prints on Burqa theme!

                                                    wood blocks.

Brief 2! Protest.

For the second brief I looked back on my ideas from last year of the Burqa and the perception of the women who wear the veil. I thought this fitted in with the breif very well and also has been part of my artwork even throughout my portfolio. As a subject matter I find it very interesting and therefore the research and development of my ideas comes easier. Having an interest in what I am working on is very important to me..I want my work to be interesting and have meaning. The aproach that I took to the Burqa this tear however was different to my previous project. I decided to look at the idea of the burqa from the point of view of the women themselves. In doing so I broadened my idea of the veil and how it effects the women on a daily basis!

litho prints!

For lithography I placed the image of the heart inside a skull where the brain would normally be. I liked how the image was drawn and there was depth in it. I thought the image would work well with the litho crayons.
After the image was printed I worked bck into the prints with monoprint and adding pieces of previous etchings to the lithographfic prints.

etching prints!

Drawings from my sketchbook!

Second year...getting started!

Second year in print has so far lived up to the expectations a I had back at the end of first year . Its clear to me that I chose the right dicipline.
Our first brief at the beginning of the year was split into two selected brief being SPACE,STRUCTURES and SYSTEMS. I was pleased with the brief and began to research the many ideas which came to my mind when I thought of structure. I decided to go with the idea of systems within the body..focusing mainly on the two main systems which keep us alive each day - the brain and the heart.
I began to look at memories and the connection between the brain and the heart with memory. It was when I found transplant stories of real people that my project really began to take shape.
Here is a sample of the stories :

Claire Sylvia received a heart transplant in the 1970’s from an eighteen year old male who had been in a motor cycle accident.
None of the information was known to Sylvia, who upon waking up claimed she had a new intense craving for beer,
chicken nuggets and green peppers,all food she didn’t enjoy prior to surgery.
A change in food preference is probably the most noted in heart transplant patients.

A 47 year old man receiving a heart from a 17 year old black boy suddenly picked up an intense fondness for classical music.
The boy whose heart had been donated was killed in a drive by shooting, still clutching his violin case in his hands.

A 47 year old transplant patient claimed that his new heart was responsible for a sudden onset of eating disorders, heralded from the heart’s previous owner,
a 14 year old girl.

An 8 year old girl who received a heart from a 10 year old girl after surgery was plagued with vivid nightmares about an attacker and a girl being murdered.
After being brought to a psychiatrist her nightmares proved to be so vivid that the psychiatrist believed them to be genuine memories.
As it turned out the ten year old whose heart she had received was murdered and due to the recipients violent reoccurring dreams she was able to describe the
events of that horrible encounter and the murderer so well that the police arrested and convicted the killer.